It's been a bit quiet around me for a while, and that is mainly because I have been writing my new book and have been on several exciting adventures. :) To all my supporters:
thank you so very much for your patience and loyalty! Warm hugs to you all! And to those who are only just tuning in, please allow me to quickly introduce myself to you properly.

In 1973, when I was only seven years old, I was inspired to question the
historical data that have shaped the world as we know it. I soon
discovered that there were some major flaws and contradictions in our
educational system and the history we are being taught at school. I
started asking uncomfortable questions, as a result of which I was sent
out of class. Since then, I took everything I learned at school with a
pinch of salt and could be found in libraries while my classmates were
in disco's. Finding myself living in a world where materialism and selfishness grew
stronger every day, I became fascinated by mysticism and spirituality,
and I started to distance myself more and more from all the mainstream
trends, pricking the make-belief balloon of society with its fake
information and fake news. This is how I finally found exactly what I
had been looking for.
But what would be the purpose of discovering forbidden truths if I
wouldn’t be able to share my findings with others? Therefore I decided
to become a writer; not of non-fiction, because then I would become a
teller. Instead I decided to write fictional stories - adventures based
on my discoveries - and so I became a storyteller, putting theories on
the table for everyone to examine, without me making any claims. I chose
to write my books using a pen name: Jeanne D’Août, a name which has an
important link to my ancestors. After all, when we want to find the
source, we need to remember our ancestors, discover their history and
honour their legacy. It helped me find the purpose of my own life.

My main goal is to make people think for themselves, and to make people
think out of the box. To be able to do this properly, I have written
three historical fiction adventure novels, which contain deep messages
for those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. This trilogy
follows my own personal path and quest, and leads towards a zenith.
Book 1 - ‘White Lie, the Quest for the Forbidden Relic’.
Book 2 - ‘The Eye of Ra’.
Book 3 - ‘The Ringing Rocks of Atlantis’ (to be launched on 13th June, 2020).
Every story has its beginning, and so does the history of humankind.
What we learn in school are random fragments of the 1% of human history
that we think we know. History is not a science; history is guesswork,
often compared against earlier discoveries, some of which haven’t even
been verified yet. But then where does our story, our human story of
civilization, begin? What do myths and legends really tell us, and in
which way did people pass on their stories in prehistoric times? To be
able to make any sense of the ancestral legacies, we need to study the
origins and details of their stories. The trick is to take it neither
too literally, nor too figuratively. Human history as we know it is a
well-kneaded meatloaf of countless ingredients, and cooked in the oil of
lore. It is our job to identify these ingredients and to put them in
their proper place, origin and time. The truth is indeed out there, and each of us has the right to find it
without being brainwashed by anyone. Therefore we need to go back to the
unspoiled source. This is exactly what I facilitate with my books, articles and guided tours. More information can be found on my website:
What a busy and interesting year this has been! Apart from the guided tours that I am still doing in this mysterious part of southern France, I have also taken a group to Greece in May, which was a blast! In 2020 there are again tours planned and retreats I have been asked to co-host. Plus of course my book launch on my 54th Birthday on 13th June in the
Ducs de Joyeuse Hotel (click on the name to go to their website).

In the Autumn of 2019, I have been asked to be one of the talking heads / guides for a new TV series in an episode on relic hunter Otto Rahn, which was such fun to do! As soon as I know when it will be aired on History Channel UK, probably April 2020, I will let you know. You can follow my latest news via my Facebook Page:
Over the past few years I have been doing lots of research for my new book, which will deal with the origins of Alchemy, the message of the Emerald Tablet and the enigmatic history of the European peoples, especially the Celts and Greeks (Hellenes). For the third and final book of my Time Travel Trilogy, I have again chosen to write in two different time periods, being 2016 and 525 BCE. The latter will play in the French Pyrenees, the Mediterranean and Greece (Hellas) in the late Bronze Age / early Iron Age. It will also take the reader back to the era of Pythagoras, who was not only a mathematician, but also one of the greatest philosophers.
Woven into this fast-moving historical adventure story are recognizable human characters with all their flaws and obsessions, but also the goodwill of humankind, and the self-sacrifice necessary for the greater good. Humankind is on a never-ending quest for truth, but also for things that are hidden, or mysteries that remain unsolved. We are such a curious species, and my new book deals with all of that.
Seeing the title of this new book, you will probably immediately think it will be all about Atlantis, but although the subject is the red line through the story, the book contains some very surprising theories and connections. Being a fact hunter, I have been very careful with the existing theories, and I found myself taking everything out of the box, digging into the source material with a broad and open mind. The Atlantis myth is so much more complicated than most people might think. I hope you will enjoy the read! :)
Publishing date and book launch:
13th June 2020, in the reception room of the Ducs de Joyeuse Castle Hotel in Couiza, Aude, Occitania, France.
Time: From 7 to 8 p.m.
Press and media: You are most welcome. Contact me beforehand to arrange interviews and photo shoots and to receive a free copy of my book. More information can be found on my website:
Ringing Rocks of Atlantis will be dedicated to the memory of author, speaker and dear friend, Tim Wallace-Murphy, who passed away on June 29th, 2019. He is dearly missed. May he rest in blissful peace. ♥
Have a wonderful Holiday Season and a healthy and fabulous New Year 2020! From Occitania, with Love!